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People & Sustainability

Community Relations

Mount Gibson is committed to the principles and practices of good corporate and environmental citizenship. Since establishing its first operation at Tallering Peak, the Company has developed close partnerships with Local Communities, Local Governments, and Local businesses throughout the Mid West and Kimberley regions of Western Australia. Mount Gibson places a high priority on ensuring recognition and protection of areas of special heritage and cultural value, and maintaining strong bilateral relationships with communities and other stakeholder groups that share an interest in our areas of operation.

Sharing the benefits of mining and creating mutually beneficial opportunities for the communities in which we operate underpins the relationships we develop and maintain with our neighbours and, importantly, regional Traditional Owners and indigenous communities such as the Dambimangari People in the Kimberley region, the Traditional Owners of Koolan Island.

As part of this approach, the Company also provides substantial financial and other support for a range of community initiatives and organisations, with a particular focus on supporting educational and vocational outcomes for young people in the communities in which we operate. More information can be found in our annual Sustainability Reports (see below).

Workplace Equality

Mount Gibson Iron welcomes diversity and is committed to equality at all levels.  To work toward this, the organisation has a policy and strategy aimed at improving its current diversity balance.

Under the Workplace Gender Equality Act companies with more than 100 employees are required to report on the gender balance of their directly employed workforce. The Company’s latest annual WGEA reports are available here. Additional information may be found on the Sustainability and Environmental Reports page.


MGX Sustainability Report 2024

Mount Gibson has a fundamental and ongoing commitment to operating ethically, responsibly and sustainably in the pursuit of our business objectives. This approach is places is embedded in “The MGX Way, which provides us with a behavioural guide on how to sustainably deliver shareholder value. It includes always putting the health and safety of our people first, working together with communities in which we operate, and undertaking our activities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.

Consequently, the safety of all Mount Gibson personnel, contractors and visitors is paramount across all our sites and across all aspects of our activities. Equally, understanding and managing the environmental footprint of the Company’s operations remains a primary focus for Mount Gibson, and we recognise that minimisation of greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water consumption, and protection of rare or declared flora and fauna are key to sustainable production.

We focus on compliance with all relevant state and federal legislation as a minimum, and on continuous improvement and innovation across all aspects of the Company’s operations, including our environmental responsibilities. Public environmental documentation relating to our activities can be found here.

More detailed information on our performance in these areas can be found in our annual Sustainability Reports, located here.

Featured Image: New graders at Koolan Island have been painted pink and blue in support of the site team’s initiatives to raise  awareness of breast cancer and mental illness, two major health issues which have a debilitating impact on thousands of families across Australia each year.